How’s it going 2022?

Well, we’re almost through January. How we doing? How we feeling?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been exhausted. It’s been difficult to focus, stress has been high, and I’m moving slow. I’m seeing this in my community too. People are approaching burnout. Extreme burnout. The stress of the past two years, the uncertainty of this variant, plans being pushed back, cancelled, the state of affairs (on Broadway, politics, medicine)… There’s a lot to hold right now.

For myself, I’m focusing on holding just two things:

1. The impatience to be and strive for where I want to be (personally, professionally, etc)

2. The fact that where I am now is, what is available to me and within my capacity, I could have never envisioned for myself.

The key is to hold these two at the same time. To strive while acknowledging how far I’ve come, to celebrate that growth while continuing to work towards my goals.

Real talk: the impatience is easier for me to hold than the growth. In fact, impatience often overlooks what I’ve accomplished. And especially right now with everything going on, I am constantly redistributing that weight, making the two “even” enough to hold both.

And yet, my accomplishments are still there even when they’re hard to hold on to. This company is one of them. My passion is to reduce stress in the arts and build resilient creative spaces, allowing people to show up and work in ways they never envisioned for themselves. This is what I am striving for and growing into here at Cheek to Cheek.

So let this post be a gentle reminder (for myself and you) to redistribute that weight as best you can, in whatever way you can.

How do you hold the two at once?


Gimme that reading list! March 2022 Edition


Gimme that reading list! December 2021 Edition